The Conference
The “Second European Conference Of Digital Psychology: Psychology and AI: New Horizons” is the second Italian event of the European Conference on Digital Psychology and Artificial Intelligence. The conference will focus on artificial intelligence and new technologies applied to Psychology. The main topics will be: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Health Apps and Digital Platforms, Machine Learning, Chatbot in Clinical Psychology, Clinical Diagnosis and Monitoring Through the Use of New Technologies, Ethical Implications of the Interaction between Humans and Artificial Intelligence, Role of AI in Digital Learning and Blended Teaching, Virtual and Augmented Reality, E-Therapy and Videogames.
The conference provides the opportunity to further explore the dynamics of this interaction between psychology and artificial intelligence, two fields that are both evolving quickly. We will investigate how artificial intelligence can be applied to and used in research and clinical practice, with an eye toward the present and a space for reflection on the future. The intersection of psychology and artificial intelligence presents new challenges and opportunities for the various fields of psychological science. During the conference, we will also explore the ethical issues related to the use of personal data, privacy, fairness in access to technology, and professional deontology.
Conference promoter: Sigmund Freud University Milan
Sigmund Freud University is a private international university with its headquarters in Vienna and a network of departments in Berlin, Paris, Ljubljana, and Milan. The SFU was established in 2005 and has an international development program. It is currently regarded in Austria as a reference institution for psychology-related teaching, research, and clinical activity. Sigmund Freud University currently has about 5,000 students and combines educational activities with therapeutic interventions in psychology clinics for adults, kids, and migrants, serving a total of about 2,500 clients annually. The SFU corporate campus is close to the University of Vienna’s comparable economics complex in Prater Park.
SFU Milan, the Italian division of Sigmund Freud University, was established in 2014 as a result of a meeting between the established Viennese tradition and a group of qualified Italian professionals, researchers, psychologists, and psychotherapists.
The Bachelorstudium Psychologie in Psychology at SFU Milano is a three-year program, and the Masterstudium Psychologie in Psychology offers three different clinical specialization options. The student receives a title with dual meaning upon completion of their academic and professional training: the degree, granted in accordance with the Austrian system, is also recognized by Italian law.
Conference information
Simultaneous translation between Italian and English (from Italian to English and from English to Italian).
A certificate of participation will be given out after the Conference.
Scientific Committee, Chairs and Organizers

Professor Sandra Sassaroli
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE, Sigmund Freud University Milan
Gabriele Caselli, PhD
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE, Sigmund Freud University Milan
Giovanni Maria Ruggiero
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE, Sigmund Freud University Milan
Professor Christiane Eichenberg, PhD
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE, Sigmund Freud University Wien
Dominik Mihalits
SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE, Sigmund Freud University Wien
…Professor Paolo Moderato, PhD
Regina Gregori Grgič, PhD
CONFERENCE ORGANIZER, Sigmund Freud University Milan
Greta Riboli
CONFERENCE ORGANIZER, Sigmund Freud University Milan-Wien
Matilde Buattini
CONFERENCE ORGANIZER, Sigmund Freud University Milan-Wien
…Alessandro Greppi
CONFERENCE ORGANIZER, Sigmund Freud University Milan
Carlotta Olivari
CONFERENCE ORGANIZER, Sigmund Freud University Milan-Wien
…Sara Carcano
CONFERENCE ORGANIZER, Sigmund Freud University Milan