Tommaso Ciulli

Psychologist and psychotherapist

Tommaso Ciulli, psychologist and psychotherapist after his thesis titled “Self-Disclosure online: an experiment on relationships via chat,” continues his research on the online communication front and presented the results at the 11th National Congress of S.I.P.Sa. in Catania, Italy in 2015.

In 2018 he graduated in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy at the Cognitive School of Florence.

During the years, he presents some research at various national conferences on topics such as: metacognition, Personality Disorders and Emotional Dysregulation, Psychological Trauma and Cognitive Beliefs, group EMDR therapy, Cognitive Computerized Behavioral Therapy (CCBT) for the treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and writes a chapter on Artificial Intelligence for the book “Windows to the Future. Fundamentals of Digital Psychology” published by Alpes Italia.

He currently carries out the clinical activity at the Florence office and works at Idego srl which deals with digital psychology, virtual/augmented reality and artificial intelligence.

Advisor within the SiSLAB (Signals & Interactive Systems) laboratory of the Department of Computer Science, University of Trento for the development of Artificial Intelligence.

He worked on the European H2020 project “COADAPT” with the aim of developing and studying methodologies to foster people’s adaptation by integrating Psychology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Robotics, and on the project “AI-COACH,” an AI system to support people with autism spectrum disorder and their caregivers in collaboration with ANFFAS and funded by the TIM Foundation.

Currently Counselor of the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany and referent of the Working Group in Psychology and New Technologies.

Speaker ed. 2021 | Area E-Therapy
