Oscar García Pañella

Director of Videogame and Serious Games University School, Barcellona

Speaker ed. 2021 | Area Videogames

Dr. Oscar García Pañella holds a PhD degree in Electronic Engineering and a Post Doc in Entertainment Technology. He enjoyed several stages abroad, like at the IMSC (Integrated Media Systems Center, USC, USA, 1998), at the VIS Lab (UCI, USA, 2005) and at the Entertainment Technology Center (CMU, USA, 2008-2009).
Oscar directs the first Videogame and Serious Games University School in Barcelona (ENTI-UB) besides an online Master in Gamification & Transmedia Storytelling (IEBS).
He is an active member of the EU Research community in projects such as Gamewise, gameBIZ, Playing for Real, JamToday, Robogenius or interSTEM.
In addition to that, Oscar partners as a senior Gamification consultant in Cookie Box, a Gamification consultancy.